• GPR attached to a boat offshore operation
  • Sercel wins GPR300 contract

    Sercel wins 20 MUSD contract to supply a GPR300 OBN solution for north sea project

  • wing geothermal solution
  • WiNG application in Europe

    Sercel delivers WING land nodal solutions for geothermal applications in Europe

  • sercel marlin offshore logistics
  • Marlin System in Guyana

    Sercel makes sale of Marlin vessel monitoring and alert system to ExxonMobil Guyana Ltd

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  • The future in focus

    Our markets

  • natural resources offshore platform
  • Natural resources
  • Infrastructure monitoring
  • Energy transition
  • Defense submarine
  • Defense
  • Marine logistics and port
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  • Marine logistics & ports
  • Earth & ocean monitoring

    Our Solutions

    Subsurface data fidelity

    As natural resources become increasingly scarce, harder to locate, and more difficult to recover sustainably, an unsuccessful survey outcome is not an option. We use the wide range of expertise, tools, and skills we've acquired over the years at every stage of development and deployment to ensure that our solutions can sense the Earth with the accuracy and fidelity required to fully understand any subsurface prospect.

    At Sercel, continuous efforts are made to ensure that deployed equipment consistently performs over time, from signal emission to sensing and recording. We take a holistic view of the seismic data acquisition chain to ensure that no weak links remain unaddressed. Full field support for optimal technology deployment is also provided.

  • offshore platform on sea
  • Structural monitoring without destructive means

    Dynamic structural monitoring of bridges using ambient vibrations, called Operational Modal Analysis (OMA), is a powerful yet simple method to monitor dynamic changes in structures with low intrusiveness. Yet, several barriers hinder its adoption for real world applications, such as a lack of adequate sensors or industrial sensor networks and more generally, a lack of integrated solutions that answer asset owners’ real question: is my structure in good health condition?

  • sercel bridge news partnership
  • Environmental responsibility

    Environmental responsibility should be an integral part of all marine operations. At Sercel, we consider respect for the environment one of our core values. We apply the deep expertise we've developed over the years at every stage of the product lifecycle, ensuring that our solutions can be deployed safely and that they help marine operations succeed while still adhering to environmental regulations. We actively detect mammal presence during marine activities utilizing real-time monitoring to ensure we are not disturbing the environments in which we operate.

  • quietsea whales
  • Site ranking for land project support

    When it comes to storage site selection and feasibility, we apply the full breadth of our expertise and resources for a rigorous assessment against our multi-criteria Storage Site Quality Index (SSQI) criteria. These include key parameters such as cap rock strength, reservoir wettability and fluid phase geochemistry. The result is a consistent and transparent ranking of storage sites which quantifies reservoir suitability, containment risks and encompasses surface economic factors, such as infrastructure and regulatory requirements.

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  • News & events

  • sercel marlin offshore logistics
    • News
    • Marine logistics & ports
    • News release
    Sercel makes sale of Marlin vessel monitoring and alert system to ExxonMobil Guyana Ltd
    Sercel announced today the sale of Marlin™, an innovative vessel monitoring and alert system, to ExxonMobil Guyana...
  • wing geothermal solution
    • News
    • Natural resources
    • News release
    Sercel delivers WiNG land nodal solutions for geothermal applications in Europe
    Sercel has announced the delivery of two WiNG land nodal systems to European customers during the second quarter of...
  • sercel gpr300
    • News
    • Natural resources
    • News release
    Sercel wins 20 MUSD contract to supply a GPR300 OBN solution for North Sea project
    Sercel announced today that it has sold and delivered a GPR300 ocean bottom nodal solution for a total value of...
  • eage online 2
    • News
    • Natural resources
    • Information
    Join us at EAGE 2024!
    Visit our friendly team at EAGE 2024, stand No. 5300.  This year's theme, 'Technology and Talent for a Secure...
  • marlin men working together port logistics
    • News
    • Marine logistics & ports
    • Article
    The Marlin Software Solution's Success Story: Revolutionizing Industries Worldwide
    In today's fast-paced energy landscape, staying ahead of the curve is imperative for success. Companies across the...
  • EAGE 2024
    • Event
    • Natural resources
    • Exhibition
    Sercel at EAGE Oslo 2024
    We look forward to welcoming you to the 85th EAGE Annual set to unfold in the vibrant city of Oslo on 10-13 June...