Reduce our environmental impact

Sercel is dedicated to minimizing its environmental footprint by implementing various measures throughout our production processes.

Go to CSR

  • banniere environmental responsibility
  • Energy sufficiency

    • Target for all our operational sites to be ISO 50001 certified by 2025.
    • Increase the share of renewable energy in our energy mix.
  • energy sufficiency
  • wing on field ecology
  • Sustainable solutions

    • 100% certified Eco-designed products by 2024 to help our customers reducing their environmental impact.
    • Our contribution to energy transition (click here to see more).
    • Buying into a more sustainable value chain : Evaluation of the ESG performance of our main suppliers, Foster the circular economy (click here to see more).
    ecovadis logo

    Resources management

    • Waste : Sercel is committed to reduce waste generation, improve    waste reuse or recycling and limit waste landfill (18% decrease of wastes in 2022, 60% wastes recycled).
    • Water : Sercel has few processes using water and special focus is done to decrease clean water consumption. A particular attention is given to prevent leakages and preserve water.
    • Protecting biodiversity.
    • Sercel aims to limit its impact on the environment. The goal is for all of Sercel's operational sites to be ISO 14001 certified by 2025 (2 sites already certified).
  • recycling reduce environmental impact
  • Key figures

  • trash field
  • 18% decrease of wastes in 2022
  • test
  • 60% wastes recycled
  • idea normes iso
  • 2 sites ISO 14001 certified