News & events

137 News & Events
  • nomad 90 neo in desert
    • News
    • Natural resources
    • News release
    Sercel equipment supports Sinopec seismic survey in Saudi Arabia
    Sercel announced today the successful large-scale deployment of its industry-leading seismic data acquisition...
  • wing dfu
    • News
    • Natural resources
    • Article
    How to secure your nodal land acquisition ?
    Nodal land acquisition systems have opened up a new era of high efficiency, low cost seismic operations, bringing...
  • mats underwater device acoustic
    • News
    • Defense
    • Earth & ocean monitoring
    • News release
    Sercel launches MATS LT, a micro underwater acoustic modem
    Sercel is pleased to announce the launch of a new underwater acoustic and positioning modem: MATS LT.
  • 508xt tech
    • News
    • Natural resources
    • Article
    The world’s top choice for seismic acquisition
    With over 50 systems in action worldwide, Sercel’s flagship 508XT is the true reflection of the brand’s commitment...
  • nomad 90 neo desert
    • News
    • Natural resources
    • Abstract
    How seismic sources accompany the current industry concerns for better imaging?
    Recent developments in land seismic source technology have been mainly oriented towards the improvement of...
  • wing in field
    • News
    • Natural resources
    • Article
    Where next for Land Nodal systems?
    Steve Wilcox examines the present land wireless marketplace and forecasts how it may develop in the future. ...
  • quietseis
    • News
    • Natural resources
    • Technical papers
    Low-noise MEMS : a powerful single sensor solution for dense, broadband acquisitions.
    Trace density is now widely recognized as the key parameter to uplift imaging quality and make reservoir analysis...
  • land acquisition system in action
    • News
    • Natural resources
    • Technical papers
    What do we expect from a Land Acquisition System?
    During recent decades, the majority of land seismic surveys have been acquired with cable systems. From the mid-2000...
  • microbs at sea
    • News
    • Earth & ocean monitoring
    • Case study
    Delivering seismic data from ultra-deep underwater environments
    Conducting underwater seismic surveys can be an extremely challenging task, requiring the deployment of specialized...