Digital twin Technology : Jacket type offshore wind turbine monitoring


Jacket-type wind turbine structures are exposed to challenging environmental conditions, leading to potential damage and component fatigue. 

In this case study, we present a structural monitoring (SHM) approach to assess fatigue and estimate the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of this wind turbine. This method involves the use of s-morpho sensors to collect real-time monitoring data, which is processed by artificial intelligence (AI) and displayed on a dashboard. 

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    The requet concerns the execution of a case study focused on monitoring the static and dynamic behavior of an already installed offshore "jacket" type wind turbine. The goal is to create a Digital Twin to assess damage, fatigue and Remaining Useful Life (RUL). 

  • offshore wind

  • Morphosense
  • Installing and using s-morpho nodes :  

    Installation of six IP65 S-Morpho measurement nodes in the tower and nacelle of the wind turbine, accompanied by three additional IP68 waterproof S-Morpho nodes installed on the lattice support.


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    Digital Twin Creation Processes : 

    • The acquired data was carefully analyzed using S-morpho software, including : 
    1. Operational Modal Analysis (OMA), including emergent frequency tracking and dynamic deformation reconstruction.
    2. Static deformation reconstruction for comprehensive evaluation.
    3. Development of a numerical twin using a finite element model.
    4. Application of fatigue study algorithms for a thorough investigation.


    Results obtained with the Digital Twin :

    1. Real-time structural monitoring (both static and dynamic) synchronized with sea and wind conditions.
    2. Assessment of damage, fatigue, and Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of the wind turbine. 
    3. Provision of data for intelligent decision making


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  • Morphosense