Low-noise MEMS : a powerful single sensor solution for dense, broadband acquisitions.


Trace density is now widely recognized as the key parameter to uplift imaging quality and make reservoir analysis more accurate. At the same time, receiver arrays are progressively suppressed to preserve high-frequency signal, limit equipment inventory and facilitate its handling on the field. The recent introduction of several models of land nodes to the market clearly illustrates this trend in the industry.

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  • Another strong tendency in seismic is digitalization, as illustrated by the recent positioning of numerous players and the plentiful of workshops organized on the topic. Perhaps surprisingly, digitalization has not greatly impacted land acquisition, where for example analog receivers remain the standard.

    The now century old geophone technology has inherent shortcomings that alter the signal recorded. Technical specifications - in particular natural frequency and sensitivity, are affected by changes in temperature and by sensor aging. Geophone specifications are also provided with manufacturing tolerances – better tolerances being achievable, but at a price far from the market benchmark.

    Although geophones may still offer a viable solution when operating arrays, it may be time however to reconsider the receiver technology that will drive the industry transition towards single sensor acquisition.

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    Low-noise MEMS : A powerful single sensor solution for dense, broadband acquisitions.

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