Mineral exploration technology comparison


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  • Mining

    The University of Uppsala in Sweden has undertaken a comparative experimental seismic study of a technical solution for subsoil imaging.
    The experiment was conducted at the site of the Ludvika iron oxide mine.

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    Comparison of different recording arrays

    • Broadband MEMS sensors (492 pieces spacing : 5 m on a total of 2400 m length)
    • 3C geophones  (150 pieces spacing : 10 m on a total of 1500 m length)
    • DAS, Straight fiber (Spatial sampling : 10 m on a total of 2100 m length)
    • Borehole DAS-HWC (Helically wound cable ) (Spatial sampling : 2 m depth,  MD : 460 m)

    Comparison of different approaches

    • Synthetic
    • 3D 3C FD modeling
    • Active
    • 2 200 Hz linear sweep
    • Passive - in total 5 days of recording
  • mining

    • Our results agree with the synthetic model
    • Similar response of the arrays :
      • Synthetic
      • Active Broadband MEMS
      • Active DAS
      • Passive Broadband MEMS
    • Passive data performs well after only 8 hours of nighttime recording
    • Surface DAS may yield satisfactory results for surface wave analysis
    • Borehole HWC DAS gives promising results for subsurface characterization and mineral exploration
    • This study is supported by the FUTURE project, Fiber Optic Sensing and UAV Platform techniques for Innovative Mineral Exploration.
    • FUTURE has received funding from ERA MIN3 ,Raw Materials for the Sustainable Development and the Circular Economy.
    • We thank Nordic Iron Ore AB for their collaboration in the project.
  • Mining