Sercel delivers WiNG land nodal solutions for geothermal applications in Europe


Sercel has announced the delivery of two WiNG land nodal systems to European customers during the second quarter of this year. Representing a total of 25,000 nodes, the two WiNG systems will be mainly deployed on geothermal projects, a growing market in Europe.

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  • Among many client reasons for selecting the WiNG system, the proven high performance of its QuietSeis®  MEMS digital sensor, particularly in terms of its accuracy and digital fidelity, is key for companies looking for the highest-quality seismic imaging capabilities.

    Unlike other commercial node systems that operate blindly, the WiNG system has the advantage of being able to provide near real-time data on the status of each node thanks to its Pathfinder technology. A survey can be conducted confidently knowing that data is being recorded and that a lost node can be found easily.

    The digital WiNG node also offers unique ground coupling performance, enabling operators to simply place the node on the ground instead of having to bury it. This design feature, allowing easy and rapid survey layout without ground impact, is a major advantage, particularly in urban environments.

    Jérome Denigot, CEO, Sercel said: “We are delighted to make further deliveries of our WiNG land nodal solution to the European market to support the development of geothermal energy. Since its launch in 2021, WiNG has shown impressive results in geothermal surveys and is particularly well suited to this market. As a result, it has attracted interest across many European cities wanting to exploit this local, renewable and continuously available energy.”

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    Land nodal solution

    WiNG is a fully integrated nodal land acquisition system designed with a single data collection platform to manage operations more easily and efficiently.


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