Sercel Launches WiNG Next-Generation Land Nodal System


Sercel announced today the launch of WiNG, a fully integrated nodal acquisition system that combines optimum field operational efficiency with the highest level of data quality available to support the most precise imaging needs of the land seismic industry.

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  • Sercel announced today the launch of WiNG, a fully integrated nodal acquisition system that combines optimum field operational efficiency with the highest level of data quality available to support the most precise imaging needs of the land seismic industry.

    At the heart of the WiNG nodal system is its Data Completion Manager (DCM), a single integrated environment that collects and processes all survey information from sources to receivers in one place. With its ability to remotely monitor field nodes via Sercel's Pathfinder transmission management technology, this enhanced data center considerably improves the control over operations.

    WiNG leverages the proven high performance of QuietSeis®, Sercel's broadband digital sensor. By delivering digital fidelity unaffected by ageing or extreme temperatures, as well as the lowest noise floor and best low frequency response, QuietSeis significantly improves detection of the weakest signals.

    WiNG also benefits from Sercel's advanced vibroseis solutions such as VE464, as well as automation features such as Vibrator Auto-Guidance and Pathfinder auto-assignment, making it the next-generation land nodal system of choice for data acquisition companies looking to achieve the most efficient and productive seismic surveys.

    Pascal Rouiller, Sercel CEO, said: "Sercel has established its market-leading reputation on its commitment to delivering the best seismic data quality in the industry. We have launched WiNG in response to consultations with our customers and the latest projections for the requirements of tomorrow's geophysics. Sercel's new nodal technology will boost survey productivity while delivering unprecedented data quality."

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