Sercel strengthens position of its 508XT system in India


Sercel has significantly increased the market position of its 508XT land seismic acquisition system in India. The system is currently being deployed by over 30 crews, representing a total of over 110,000 508XT channels countrywide and making it clearly the system of choice in India.

  • dsui 508 on a field
  • Based on Sercel’s cutting-edge and unique cross-technology (X-Tech®) architecture, the 508XT land seismic acquisition system enables automatic data re-routing and local storage for seamless and uninterrupted operations. The highly flexible and robust system adapts to the toughest terrain and weather conditions and meets all 2D/3D land seismic project requirements.

    Ashutosh Kumar, CEO, Asian Energy, said: “By choosing Sercel’s 508XT, we have ensured we are using the best technology to meet our final customers’ expectations. We have been using the 508XT since 2018 and more recently strengthened our relationship with repeat orders for a large contract. After careful evaluation, we have found the 508XT to be the best system available, in terms of its robustness, fault-free operations and lower operational cost comparatively, coupled with good technical support, which certainly adds to its advantages.”

    Emmanuelle Dubu, Sercel CEO, said: “Sercel’s success in establishing such a strong presence in India is a result of the long-term relationships we have developed with all our customers that enable us to better understand their specific needs. Ultimately, of course, it is the winning combination of the 508XT’s reliability, robustness and flexibility for efficient and productive seismic acquisition that has proven its value to Indian contractors.” 

  • 508XT far away on grass with worker on field environment


    Want to know more about 508XT seismic acquisition system?

    508XT Tech Acquisition