The world’s top choice for seismic acquisition


With over 50 systems in action worldwide, Sercel’s flagship 508XT is the true reflection of the brand’s commitment to excellence.

  • 508xt tech
  • For geophysical service companies, finding the right balance between productivity, high-quality data, and compliance with environmental constraints has proven to be a great challenge.

    Through years of customer focus and continuous product improvement, Sercel has not only managed to meet these market demands; it has developed new innovative technologies that deliver the best seismic images bar none. The 508XT has also delivered on its promise of offering the highest crew production rates in combination with real-time data acquisition and real time quality control even in the very toughest environments.

    508XT is in operation right now in many environments like the high arctic, Middle Eastern deserts, South American wetlands and even congested urban India.

    This worldwide success is a result of Sercel’s multi-national team member’s commitment to excellence and passion for innovation.

  • 508 XT from above on grass and plugged


    Want to know more about 508XT seismic acquisition system?

    508XT seismic acquisition system