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185 publications
  • Abstract
Optimization of hybrid surveys with drop & pop nodes: an innovative approach (EN)

Recent advances in marine seismic processing are increasingly supporting the use of sparse OBN in conjunction with low-frequency sources in...

  • Technical paper
Mastering the highest Vibroseis productivity while preserving seismic data quality (EN)

Nicolas Tellier, Gilles Ollivrin, Stéphane Laroche and Christophe Donval introduce a novel Ultra High-Productivity...

  • Technical paper
A new wave in marine seismic source technology (EN)

Nicolas Tellier, Julien Large, Shuki Ronen and Jeremy Aznar present two innovate marine sources intended to address current industry...

  • Technical paper
Land acquisition without data jitter made possible with MEMS sensors (EN)

To convert native seismic data into true amplitude and phase ground seismic motion, for FWI modelling purposes...

  • Technical paper
Sea trial of a low frequency enhanced pneumatic source (EN)

A new pneumatic seismic source with a resonance frequency of 2.8 Hz has been built and tested during an OBN sea trial in the Gulf...

  • Technical paper
Sercel True Broadband: 8-Octave Capability (EN)

Acquiring the broadest possible seismic data has become an industry must-have for the benefits it brings to seismic imaging, in particular in terms...

  • Technical paper
Low frequency sweep control with Nomad-65, VE464 and CheckSweep (EN)

Only about half of the seismic crews worldwide are equipped with vibrators...

  • Abstract
High-resolution acquisition solution for cost-effective marine seismic operations (EN)

Over the last decades, advances in seismic data acquisition, signal processing and modeling have made subsurface imaging better...

  • Technical paper
Want to get rid of distortion? (EN)

A certain number of seismic equipment specifications seems overlooked by seismic data end-users. 

  • Technical paper
3C MEMS sensors for true vertical and orthogonal OBN sensing (EN)

Until recently all OBN acquisition systems available on the seismic market have been equipped with 3C omni-tilt 15 Hz geo...

  • Technical paper
Single-sensor acquisition without data jitter: a comparative sensor study (EN)

Nicolas Tellier, Stéphane Laroche, Han Wang and Philippe Herrmann present datasupported comparisons between two sensors...

  • Technical paper
Field Test Results of a Novel Low-Frequency Marine Source (EN)

Low frequencies are very beneficial for seismic exploration. The reasons for this are manifold, e.g. deeper penetration, sharper wavelet...