Resources center

185 publications
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Vendre à Sercel (FR)

Sercel conçoit et fournit des équipements de haute performance pour l’exploration du sous-sol et des infrastructures...

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Our Group is a member of the United Nations Global Compact since 2007 and recognizes its ten principles...

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Selling to Sercel (EN)

Sercel develops and provides high performance equipment dedicated to the exploration of the underground and...

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Sercel St Gaudens ISO14001

Sercel is certified ISO14001...

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Sercel Junfeng ISO4001 / ISO45001

Sercel Junfeng is certified ISO4001 / ISO45001

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Sercel Concept ISO45001

Sercel Concept is certified ISO45001...

  • Brochure
MarlinSmartport Brochure (EN)

Marlin SmartPort PMIS was created from the ground up by Sercel Concept in collaboration with global port clients...

  • Brochure
Remote QC brochure (EN)

Sercel Concept has developed a state-of-the-art solution for the offshore QC market to replace the current...

  • Brochure
GeoTag Brochure (EN)

GeoTag is the new acoustic positioning system from Sercel designed to work with any ocean bottom or transition zone...

  • Brochure
Bluepulse Brochure (EN)

The innovative new Bluepulse from Sercel is the most advanced limited high frequency acoustic source on the market...

  • Brochure
iSiteCentral Brochure (EN)

Providing secure, reliable, and scalable data and informations collections,storage analytics, and reporting.

  • Brochure
Seal 428 Brochure (EN)

The Seal 428 is the new large capacity and high-resolution seismic data acquisition system designed for marine towed streamers acquisition.