Resources center

185 publications
  • Specifications
508XT Specifications (EN)

The new generation 508XT system offers the most productive balance between real-time data and autonomous modes.

  • Brochure
S-scan Brochure (EN)

Near-surface imaging and monitoring solution to prevent deformation and collapse.

  • Brochure
508XT Brochure (EN)

The new generation 508XT system offers the most productive balance between real-time data and autonomous modes.

  • Brochure
PIKSEL Brochure (EN)

PIKSEL is an integrated and compact solution that enables highresolution seismic data acquisition in targeted areas...

  • Brochure
MicrOBS Nodal Brochure (EN)

MicrOBS Nodal is a proven ocean bottom node solution for seismic refraction and reflection surveys.

  • Specifications
WiNG Specifications (EN)

WiNG is a fully integrated nodal land acquisition system designed with a single data collection platform to manage operations...

  • Others
Shipping Repair Houston

To Whom It May Concern, All returns must be authorized by Sercel Inc. whether for repair, replacement or warranty.

  • Others
Shipping Repair Moscow

Заинтересованным лицам. Для отправки груза для ООО «Сейсмик Сапорт Сервисез» следуйте, пожалуйста, инструкции. 

  • Others
Shipping Repair India

To whom it may concern, Please follow these instructions when returning goods for repair to Sercel Derhadun

  • Others
Shipping Repair St Gaudens

To whom it may concern, Please follow these instructions when returning goods for repair to Sercel Saint-Gaudens France in order to ensure...

  • Others
Shipping Repair China

To whom it may concern, Please follow these instructions while shipping goods for repair to Sercel Beijing. 

  • Others
Shipping Repair Dubai

To whom it may concern, Please follow these instructions when returning goods for repair to Sercel Dubai.