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183 publications
  • Technical paper
Industry-first deployment of simultaneous source acquisition using a DSA

Industry-first deployment of simultaneous source acquisition using a Dispersed Source Array (DSA) with Tuned Pulse Source (TPS) and conventional airgun for a shallow water seismic survey offshore Malaysia

  • Brochure
TPS Leasing & Services Options Brochure (EN)

TPS is the market-leading marine seismic source that provides geophysical clarity by improving low frequency content while also supporting important environmental benefits.

  • Abstract
The importance of macroplanning tools to deliver efficiencies in ocean bottom surveys (EN)

Appropriate monitoring systems and planning tools are key to delivering successful surveys in producing fields...

  • Brochure
Argos Beacon Brochure (EN)

Designed to retrieve a buoy in case of mooring line break, BABS warns owners of line breakage by transmitting a signal to ARGOS satellites...

  • White paper
Moving over to mems (EN)

Assessing the Analog to Digital Trend in Seismic Data Acquisition.

  • Abstract
Revealing the subsalt in Garden Banks with a sparsely-shot TPS OBN and FWI

This abstract explains the feasibility of FWI with TPS OBN data, which marks a significant advancement in marine seismic sources for subsalt exploration.

  • Brochure
Service Remote Solutions Brochure (EN)

Proven operations services enabled by Sercel Concept’s cloud-based solutions.




  • Specifications
QuietSeis OBN Specifications (EN)

Sercel’s QuietSeis® OBN node portfolio meets the needs of E&P companies and service providers who require efficient and environmentally...

  • Brochure
MESANorsar Brochure (EN)

The MESA Expert and NORSAR-3D Connector provides our clients with a unique, complementary, and seamless capability to validate coverage of survey designs through exclusive...

  • Specifications
MarlinSmartport Specifications (EN)

The Marlin SmartPort Automated Port Call (APC) manages the automatic creation of port calls for high-frequency visits and low-paperwork vessel types, for example, fishing boats, ferries, and...

  • Specifications
Geophones Specifications (EN)

Sercel has a long history in being at the forefront of developing new cutting-edge technology. Setting new standards for sensors is no exception. 

  • Others
Digitalization of Sercel Purchase Orders (EN)

For several years now, SERCEL has been digitizing its purchasing process to facilitate exchanges with its suppliers and streamline its practices. After setting up our FIORI portal to manage our...