Resources center

183 publications
  • Case study
Offshore Supply Vessel Delay: Impacts on Scheduling, Efficiency, and Safety (EN)

This case study explores the journey of an offshore supply vessel that deviates from a pre-defined schedule created...

  • Brochure
MESA 17 Brochure (EN)

MESA 17 was developed in collaboration with key customers to meet the most challenging requirements of modern, large-scale seismic surveys.

  • Others
DeRegt Marine Cables ISO14001

This is to certify that the management system of De Regt Marine Cables B.V. has been found to conform to the Environmental Management System standard: ISO 14001:2015

  • Brochure
WiNG Brochure (EN)

WiNG is a fully integrated nodal land acquisition system designed with a single data collection platform to manage operations...

  • Specifications
VE464 Specifications (EN)

The VE464 benefits from the latest developments in integration, radio transmission and servocontrol, allowing easier implementation of vibroseis seismic than ever before.

  • Brochure
Nomad Brochure (EN)

Nomad is the Sercel range of seismic vibrators offering high quality signals together with a high level of reliability, productivity and safety. 

  • Specifications
MATS LT Specifications (EN)

Its small size, weight and reduced power consumption make MATS LT an ideal solution for compact AUV. 

  • Specifications
MATS 3G Specifications (EN)

MATS 3G is the underwater acoustic modem that leverages Digital Signal Processing technology to ensure reliable, long-range communication. 

  • Brochure
Digital Islands Brochure (EN)

How to prevent digital isolation and avoid fragmentation across the offshore logistics supply chain.

  • Brochure
MESA Brochure (EN)

The MESA software provides a flexible and robust toolkit to help optimize survey design and planning of land.

  • Brochure
MicrOBS Brochure (EN)

MicrOBS is a new generation of autonomous deep 4C Ocean Bottom Seismometer.

  • Brochure
MESA SimSurvey Brochure (EN)

MESA SimSurvey is a new MESA module that provides reliable time and cost analysis functionality to the marine survey design.